The following outlines the firm’s recent experience in church architecture:
- White Memorial Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, NC
- Renovation of Education Building
- New Fellowship Hall and Education Building
- Renovation of Sanctuary
- Addition to Sanctuary
- First Baptist Church, Wilson, NC
- New Fellowship Hall and Education Building
- First Baptist Church Wilson, NC
- Renovation of Education Building
- New Administration, Music and Education Building
- Highland United Methodist Church, Raleigh, NC
- New Fellowship Hall and Education Building,
- Renovation of Administrative Building and Fellowship Hall
- New Administrative Building, Addition for Choir and Renovation of Educational Areas
- Saint Mary’s, Garner, NC
- Energy Audit

- Temple Beth Or, Raleigh, NC
- Energy Audit and Renovations
- New Covenant Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, NC
- New Sanctuary and Education Building
- Westover Presbyterian Church Greensboro, NC
- Overall Master Plan, New Worship Center,
- Administration Area, Education Center, and Recreation Building
- West Raleigh Presbyterian Raleigh, NC
- Master Plan Study of Existing Facilities with Future Renovations and Additions
- First Baptist Church, Clayton, NC
- Overall Master Plan
- New Fellowship Hall and Choir Room,
- Education Building, Administration Area,
- Renovation of Educational Areas,
- Handicapped Accessibility to Existing Areas